


Celebrating work of the Green Team

Commonly a Japanese holiday, Greenery Day was originally created to celebrate one’s appreciation for nature. Although Greenery Day was recently celebrated, the Green Team at Leafscape appreciates nature every day, and we love to share this passion with our clients through our creative and vibrant installations.

The installation above is one of our favorites. It is located in the interior atrium of the Burgundy Hotel in west Little Rock. This “living wall” is planted with Algerian Ivy, one of the most versatile ivies available. Algerian Ivy is typically more drought tolerant, bug resistant, and is more adaptable to its environment, lending it well to larger topiaries and displays. Behind the piano, you will notice the Sansevieria zeylanica, also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. These plants are perfect for creating a sense of privacy by using them as room dividers; they can grow up to four feet tall!

One of our most memorable installations is “Bob the Tree” located in Heifer International’s headquarters in Little Rock. Installing a large tree is not as easy as you might think! It required great engineering from our Green Team, patience and a lot of creativity to establish what is now the perfect design element for Heifer Village. “Bob the Tree” sits in a spacious learning and activity room for children, and brings the joy and beauty of nature inside for all to enjoy!

Little Rock’s Pavilion in the Park houses another of our larger installations. “Bertha” is a tree that sits in the open atrium with an abundant glass ceiling bringing in rays of natural sunlight. With this space, there was a great amount of area to fill and the Green Team knew that whatever was created must take up that open or “dead” space while still appearing beautiful, natural and pleasing to the eye. This interior plantscape gives visitors the feeling of being outside while indoors, creating the perfect ambiance to sit on a bench and relax, or sip coffee for a moment.

It’s easy to see that Leafscape celebrates the world of greenery every day! By simply thinking outside the box when it comes to your interior spaces, we can create unique and artful masterpieces for all to enjoy. Thinking of revamping your office? By calling the Green Team, you are guaranteed quality installation, service and plant care.

moss wall art

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