


Top 5 Fall Plants for Indoor Events

Fall foliage is one of our favorite parts of autumn. The changing leaves, rich tones and bright colors are one of nature’s most spectacular displays, and we love incorporating these gorgeous qualities of the fall outdoors into events through our indoor plants. From galas to small family gatherings, these plants will put the perfect fall touch in your event décor.

Using vegetables in floral arrangements brings a unique element of surprise, and there’s no better time to use them than during fall. The leafy, organic look of kale adds autumn warmth to table centerpieces. Kale also creates a bountiful, cornucopia-look, perfect for Thanksgiving.

Another favorite for centerpieces, mustard plants with their yellow flowers bring a dash of autumn color to an arrangement. After your event is over, move the mustard plant outside to get another use out of this pretty and vibrant fall flower.

Pansies thrive during the cooler months and look great planted in rustic jars to use as centerpieces, scattered throughout your event or to be given away as party favors. They also grow in a variety of colors, offering options to fit your event’s color scheme.

Swiss Chard
If you want to create a fall harvest, farm-to-table look for your event, leafy swiss chard brings an earthy feel to arrangements. Whether you use it to fill out larger arrangements or place it in vase by itself next to a woven basket of apples, the options for swiss chard are nearly endless.

Crotons incorporate all of falls gorgeous reds, oranges and yellows in one unique plant – perfect for your event entrance or buffet table. While crotons are the epitome of fall color, they are tropical plants. After you event is over, find a permanent home for them indoors, especially during the colder months.

No event décor is complete without plants, and we can’t wait to see all of the gorgeous ways they will be used this holiday season. If you need plants for an event or would like some advice on plants to choose, let our Green Team at Leafscape know. Our experts are experienced in both plant design and care, and are ready to help you choose the perfect plant touches for your event.