Leafscape specializes in the care of a variety of tropical plants. While we use tropical plants to bring the outdoors in year-round, this spring season, we would like to give you the tips you need to successfully incorporate tropical house plants into your living spaces both inside and under a covered porch or patio. Keep reading to find out more about making a tropic transition.

When to Begin?
You can incorporate tropical plants in your indoor spaces at any time of year! However, if you are purchasing or moving tropical house plants for use in your outdoor spaces, this happens with the best success between May and September. This is a great way to change up your outdoor living spaces and is also great for your plant’s health. Of course, depending on where you live, the transition months might differ, and timing is important. The general rule of green thumb is to wait until about two to four weeks after the most recent frost. Tropical plants should stay inside until nighttime temperatures are above 50 °F (10 ° C) and no more frost is expected.

What will Happen?
Plants will go through a transition when moving from indoors to outdoors or from a nursery/greenhouse environment to their new home. You can expect some leaf discoloration and fluctuation of water requirements. Remove any discolored leaves (they won’t turn back green) and always check your plants for watering before you water them. If the temperatures are still getting cool at night, plants will drink less, and conversely as the temperatures increase you can expect them to become thirstier.

Fertilize or Repot?
If you purchase a new plant, it will be important to notice if there is any granular fertilizer on the surface of the soil. (It’s typically blue or green pellets.) If there is, your plant has a slow-release fertilizer and you won’t need to feed your plant anything additional until it is completely gone. If you have moved a plant you have had for a while or even if you have house plants that are staying indoors, spring is an important time to give them a boost of fertilizer. We recommend SuperThrive and it can be found in most garden centers.
Repotting your plant is usually not necessary or recommended unless the plant becomes top heavy. If your plant’s soil seems low, its perfectly acceptable to add some fresh soil to the top of the pot. Tropical plants, especially ones that will be moved back indoors when the temperatures drop again, enjoy being root bound to an extent. If the grower pot cracks or there is limited soil due to root overgrowth, then we would suggest going up a pot size. Be careful when selecting potting soil as unsterile soil will cause an infestation of fungus gnats.

Want the Tropics Without The Trouble?
Are you daydreaming about or imagining your tropical paradise, but don’t know where to begin or want the hassle? We can save you the trouble!!! Let us design, plant, and care for your plantscape. Leafscape offers not only a variety of tropical plants, but also a variety of decorative containers to choose from. We can also work with what you have! If you would like to set up an appointment to brainstorm some great ideas for your space, give us a call or contact us here!