


Top 5 Low-Light-Loving Plants

As the days grow shorter, it is important to pay attention to the amount of light your indoor plants receive. Our Green Team at Leafscape is here to help with a quick list of our top 5 low-light-loving plants!

In order to determine a low light plant, you first have to identify what “low light” is. Light levels are measured in foot-candles, how bright the light is one foot away from the source. The average light indoors ranges from 50 fc to 500 fc, so make sure your plants can survive within this range for indoor spaces with low light.

1. English Ivy (100 – 200 fc)

Photo courtesy of CostaFarms.com

Ivy plants bring a bit of the outdoors in with bright green, white or yellow colors. There are many varieties of ivy, but the English ivy cultivars are the most common type of ivy grown in homes. English ivy grows well in low light and cool temperatures. The solid green leaf will tolerate low light while the varieties with variegated leaves will require medium light conditions to keep their variegation. The way ivy falls along the sides of furniture gives indoor spaces a delicate and refined look.

2. Chinese Evergreens (50 – 250 fc)

Image courtesy of Pinterest.com

Chinese evergreens are a very popular houseplant because of their low-maintenance care. Moderate or low-light placement suits these plants just fine as they enjoy being in indirect sunlight. A warmer, humid environment is ideal for these indoor plants. Make sure you don’t overwater these plants or you’ll risk root rot. Keep all conditions moderate, and the Chinese evergreen will be an easy addition to your space.

3. Dracaena species (50 – 250 fc)

Image courtesy of Pinterest.com

Sometimes called a Dragon Tree, this plant species is large and in charge. These plants do well in medium and low light. They thrive indoors with warmer temperatures and constant moisture. But if you want to keep these plants vibrantly colored, move them into brightly lit areas and watch them flourish.

4. Peace Lily (50 – 250 fc)

These versatile plants come in many shapes and sizes. Different types such as the ‘Power Petite’ and ‘Sweet Chico’ will stay small on a table top, but certain peace lilies in a large pot can grow up to six feet tall. They prefer indirect light, so as long as your room has a window, this plant will continue to grow. They are constantly producing bloom after bloom of beautiful, white, flag-like petals. This flexible plant would be a perfect addition to any indoor space.

5. Parlor Palm (50 – 250 fc)

Image courtesy of Plantscape.com

The parlor palm also known as neanthe bella palm or Chamaedorea elegans, is slow-growing and low-light-loving. This palm can reach up to four feet tall and makes an elegant statement. If it is put in the lower end of its light spectrum, the parlor palm will begin to thin. Generally, this palm only needs its soil watered when it is dry to the touch. But in winter months like these, an occasional mist will keep this plant thriving.

These low-light-loving plants are the picture-perfect addition to your wintertime décor. Unsure which plant is the perfect fit? Our Green Team can help! Our indoor plant experts will design the perfect plantscape for your indoor space. Whether it is an office, a retail space, or your home, Leafscape can find the ideal plant and help keep them thriving all year long. Give us a call today and find out why we were voted Arkansas’ Best Interior Plant Service 13 years in a row!

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